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Special Work Session 3/25/02

TOWN COUNCIL                                                                  SPECIAL WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                         MARCH 25, 2002
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                         TIME:   7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Aman called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor William Aman
                                Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
                                Councillor Barbara Barbour
                                Councillor Paul Burnham
                                Councillor Thomas Delnicki
                                Councillor Edward Havens
                                Councillor John Pelkey

Members Absent: Councillor Deborah Fine
                                Councillor Lassman Fisher

Also Present::          Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan

3.      Public Participation

There were a group of parents, children, and other interested residents present to ask the Town Council to restore the recently cut SWEPT program to the Board of Education's Proposed 2002/2003 Fiscal Year Budget.  The group identified themselves as Citizens for the Reinstatement of SWEPT, and presented to Council both verbal and written reasons for their why they felt it was essential to continue to fund this program.  The following spoke on behalf of this request--

                Nancy DeMay, 69 Charing Road
                Denise Pantason, 40 Perrin Lane
                Jack Tran, 162 Hillside Drive
                Debbie Kosevich, 55 Juniper Lane
                Charlene Swieteck, 106 Farnham Road
                Karen Richard, 172 Pheasant Way
                Karen Sheehan, 236 Kent Lane
                Rob O'Connor, 145 Valley View Drive
                Kathryn Elder, 180 Pheasant Way
                Ellen Pelan, 11 Paper Chase
                Dan Abrahamson, 83 Morgan Farms Drive
                Patti Toce, 25 Summer Wind Drive

Mayor Aman thanked those present for speaking to the Town Council.  He also stated that the Members of the Town Council and the Board of Education will take their remarks into consideration.  However, the Mayor again reminded those concerned about the cut of this program (or any school board program) that the Town Council could only set the bottom line on the Board of Education's Budget which, in this case is approximately $2.5 million more than last year's budget.  How that money is spent, he continued, is entirely up to the Board.  

The Mayor felt that the Board had already made some very hard decisions by cutting some teaching positions, and in other areas.  Mayor Aman said that as the Budgets were gone through this evening, everyone would observe that they are very shy on Capital Projects, and several other things that the Town definitely needs funding for.  This, according to the Mayor, will not be an easy Budget Year; and come May 6 when the Budget is voted on there will be many unsatisfied and unhappy residents.

There were no other speakers on other subjects.  

4.      Communications

Mayor Aman said that, at the next Town Council meeting, he would be bringing forth a petition from 68 Main Street residents concerning a couple of properties there and the Blight Ordinance.  He said he would be giving that petition to the Town Manager on March 26; and asked that a report be prepared by him so that the Mayor may be prepared to address these residents and answer their questions.

5.      Town Manager's Report

Mr. Galligan reported that, again today, there had been a meeting at the Capitol regarding CRRA.  He informed those listening that Town officials had met with Senator Sullivan, among others, and offered suggestions on how to reduce the CRRA Budget.  The one key issue, according to the Town Manager, was that if the Towns have to give up the good faith and credit to pay, they should have a seat at the table to make those decisions.

He felt that some commitments were forthcoming from Senator Sullivan there are Bills being passed and now the municipalities will be working with the Governor's Office, and the Governor's 3-man appointed panel to see if they, too, can be convinced.

6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Presentation of 2002/20-03 Fiscal Year Budgets  Board of Education (and) General Government

First to come forward was the Chairman of the Board of Education Kathleen Soucy Daugherty.  Ms. Daugherty, through the use of a PowerPoint presentation, explained to the Town Council, and listening audience the Board
(See attached, as Exhibit A., a hard copy of this presentation by the Chairman.)

Next, the General Government Budget was presented to the Town Council by Town Manager Matthew Galligan.  He, too, made a PowerPoint presentation of the Proposed 2002/2003 Fiscal Year General Government Budget.  Listed, separately, for Council
From an original request from all Departments that totaled  $26,538,984, the General Government Budget request was reduced to a final Proposed Budget of $24,813,639 (or an 8.79% increase over last year's Budget) for Fiscal Year 2002/2003.  

Adding the Board of Education
(See attached, as Exhibit B., a hard copy of this presentation by the Town Manager.)

7.      Executive Session - None

8.      Motion to Adjourn

        A Motion to Adjourn was made by Councillor Havens at 8:30 p.m., duly seconded; and approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmts.:  Exhibit A  (Summary of Board of Education
                   Exhibit B  (Summary of General Government